Fencing comes in all different shapes, sizes and designs. Just as a hedge can create a boundary some my prefer the low maintenance of a fence.
We find the most common style of fence the majority of our customers choose consists of concrete posts, kick/gravel boards and wooden fence panels, we would recommend vertical tanalised paneled fencing. Your fence can be personalized by choosing from a range of different post and panel styles, such as curve top panel, picket or trellis.
We begin by ensuring any underground pipework will not be effected. Once this has been confirmed we continue to dig a hole for the posts, usually 600mm deep* with a 100mm diameter from the post. We find the most sustainable and cost effective way to secure any post is to concrete it into the ground. With precise calculations and a simple piece of string to create the perfect line the fence is created. Fence post precision is ensured with the use of a spirit level.
Please note: Fencing over 2 meters / 7 Ft high may require planning permission from the local council.
*this is the standard depth for a 6ft fence. Taller fences will require a deeper hole being dug out.