An Absolute Gardens pond will bring an element of peace to your garden, that is hard to do with any other landscaping feature. Not only is it pleasing to look at, but the sound of a gentle pond will help relax at the end of the day.
Because water garden ponds use on average 40 to 50% less water to maintain than a similarly sized piece of grass, a pond is also an excellent way to do your part in the on going effort to conserve water.
Thought about adding fish to your pond? Before building your pond, be sure to ask our gardeners for some important tips on how to build a pond that will specifically cater to the types of fish you’d like to keep.
Absolute Gardens will be able to advise you on how to design, build and maintain your garden ponds.
Do you have a problem with your pond and are looking for some guidance on how to fix the problem at the source? Daniel has extensive experience with pond building and maintenance.